This addict’s accomplishments mean more to accomplish because I can never be content with so many recovery options.

A pondering thought. Sanity can become clarity.

When I have an epiphany one after another, my heart races because I feel I’ve gotten to open my mind and heart to receive all those new and attractive things to those things my soul and spirit yearns.  The reading speaks about the void that needs filling.

I can’t entirely agree with the reading that there is only one equation that matters because for this gal, I don’t want to fit inside a box that dominates on someone else’s ideal of what I need. My ideal equation allows me to flitter in various spaces picking and choosing what comforts my spirit. I don’t have to limit my mind to only one way.

As a child, my mind was hijacked, dominated by parents that had their way and how things would be in their household, and I respected that. Today, as an adult, I can select choices for my life, and that is freeing.

What is redivivus is the idea that for so long, my domination control was by substances that suppressed my logic, robbed me of all ability to make a rational decision. Today, I have a choice to fill the void with what works for me, and I owe this gift to recovery—my cup is running over with ways to fill the void.

I am grateful for a loving higher power that carries me, comforts me, and cradles my ideas. The sweet thing is that sometimes I respond too quickly, and it’s okay to change my mind and head in a new direction, as long as I don’t use substances along the way. What a life I live with no time to have voids—precious clarity in my sight.

Peace and love. Feel free to share and invite others. To unsubscribe, say so. The reading is attached.

Lynda M.