Till the season of recovery

Set dazzling above one’s head

We keep trudging no matter what

Because we are worth the steps

A journey of roads yet to be pathed

We still walk forward knowing that something along the way

Is there to catch our mishaps

We halt, we cry, and we disappear in the silence of the unknown

Not knowing if it is safe to surface

Knowing to be scorned

Keep stepping anyway

Through the hurt, the pain, and the tears of too many

Cries of help, we feel alone but

Know that somewhere someone is there

Think not about the damage but

On the worth that is yet to come

Walk on for our abandoned little children

Create the life you only once

Believed was one to live

Holdfast to the what ifs

But don’t let them be the final answer, just one

More days of trudging, will this be it?

Thank you for the memories

Thank you for this path

A journey that is one season that can never last

So long for now until the time comes again

Please know that memories will surpass all understanding

Of the what ifs