I am wandering around mercilessly with the thoughts of numbness. Why in this big world of creation does there have to be so much hate.

I have to take the time and make the time to take care of myself. Social media is propaganda that wants to lure me into its web of negativity. I have so many things I should be doing, like reading or writing on my novel, but yet I sit in numbness, not knowing which way to turn.

The hate has to stop, and since it seems to be the norm, I have to move my thoughts elsewhere. That’s the problem. I don’t want to be a person that does not engage and show my concern, but I am numb from knowing that hate is the norm.

White supremacy, blue lives, Black lives, Asian lives matter, yet when the hate is so ingrained that no one thinks or believes that they will have the right to live in peace because of the other race. Please stop the madness. Please don’t let this be the norm. Life is worth living, and I want to wander without any chaos of knowing that it’s the norm to hate.