“I sense it’s you, and I know you are there, pulling for me to do the next right thing. The wind nudges me to pay attention to those small itchy bitsy things like the wind. You want my attention so bad that you nudge others to speak your truth to me.”

“Constantly, I hear that I am not by myself but with myself in the spirit of my ancestors. Some will question what it is you are doing, sure it might appear to be a séance of will with the spirits, and it’s whatever you can make it out to be so you can hear what we need you to hear.”

“Sweet lady of desperation to know what we know, be assured that it was never easy. We know that strength comes from those things that don’t break you. Stand tall, lean into our courage of knowledge that the lower spirits will suck the life out of you like letches, yet your dialect got you on our radar.”

“Know that the anima of your spirit connects with our spirit, and we are one. Where you are, we are there with you; you are never alone. Trust in the process to know that we too lived through fear, knowing we had to succumb those hurdles to freedom pushed us through. “

“Don’t let your flaws of childhood hijack the precious present because personal integrity is between you and you. We got you. We are the wind to your back. Soar like the endless sea. We love you, and we are always joyful when you come, seeking our spirits.”