I listened to a NA (Narcotics Anonymous) speaker and heard them share, “The light in me is the light in you.” I interpreted their words to mean that I can give grace to others. I can believe that perhaps someone I might disagree with their behavior, let me remember, I too, at one time had my light dimmed and still can get dimmed when I am in self-will.

Whenever I go against my moral compass and intentionally place harm onto another, my light dims again. I can always ask my higher power, the spirit of the universe, to help me show compassion.

How can I expect the world to be a better place if I cannot show some grace? I don’t want to be delusional believing self-righteousness gives me a pass card to jump to conclusions about what is happening with someone else. I don’t know what is best for others. I don’t have to overreact to what others are doing nor minimize what I am capable of accomplishing. I don’t have to take responsibility for others, thinking I am right. No. I prefer peace over that.

I choose to love and live in harmony any day over hate, and for that, I am grateful for recovery.