Such a stark reminder of how time flies and the importance of living life the best one can.

Thanksgiving last year represented that of an absence of family and friends because of a pandemic. This year the lack of family and friends remains because of cautionary fears of COVID-19. So many deaths and people’s fear of the vaccine creates a void that only words can mutely describe what one could be fueling.

The emotions of pain, anger, exhaustion, frustration, sadness, depression, yet remaining hopeful and joyful for the grace of family and friends that are still here, those of us that spared a death of tragedy.  

As guilt and remorse want to settle in, one can choose the best way to move forward in the spirit of gratitude. Thanksgiving season can be every day when the choice is to be grateful for being alive.

As the gathering continues with absent seats, my heart will be with those that I miss. My thoughts will be the abundance of energy that is free to send well wishes to all to be grateful for what is.

I am grateful for this day, and I am thankful for everything, the woes of Thanksgiving, the gentle weeping of the tears, the falling leaves that remind me that Thanksgiving can be every day.