What does it mean to be conscious? For me, it’s about awareness. With today’s climate, I am aware of many things. One, in particular, is division and hate. I have a choice to participate or do something opposite to bring about love and harmony. No matter how small, it can certainly make a difference in my attitude and perhaps can attract others to extend the same.

While wearing my mask, when I walk, I pass out dog treats to bypassers. I admit the animals have become accustomed to me and make a point to let their owners know they need to stop and collect on their goods. I have no idea how this act of kindness affects anyone, but it sure does brighten up my mood.

Consciousness helps me to be aware of the brokenness around me. Maybe I can extend a helping hand in other ways too. For instance, perhaps I can assist the elderly struggling to get their groceries into their car. Maybe I can allow a waiting vehicle to merge into traffic. Or restrain from honking my horn unless it will prevent an accident. While in the drive-thru line, I can pay for the person behind me for coffee or ice cream. I can also protect the earth and pick up trash and recycle too. So many ways to be aware.

Consciousness can be an intentional act of kindness. If I am constantly in a mood of hatred, lying, stealing, cheating, being defiant, I will not be aware of anyone but myself. In my opinion, those types of actions are a horrible place to be. On the flip side, when I am compassionate, loving, kind, act with integrity, honesty, and concern for others, these are sure ways to bring about peace and harmony—those things that cost me nothing but awareness.