First, I ask, is there such a thing? If this image lacks in one’s life, then the imaginary development of such hope is more straightforward to describe via wants.  When I think of the word love, the word brings about comfort, caring, understanding, and flexibility, with no intentional harm, brought on to another. The thought of a nurturer and protector. The dictionary mentions devoted and affectionate. Further mention is compassion, tenderness, and sensitivity.

The word-loving takes on many meanings, such as an act of kindness given and an expression of empathy.

There is further mention of unconditional love, and I consider that to remain steadfast despite rough times.

My thoughts move to the word action. So often said or unsaid, I crave the touch and physical time displaying love, such as eye movement and how someone can stroke the arm with gentleness, with a hug around the waist; pulling one closer with a tilt of the chin on top of one’s head.  Being considered enough to verbalize spoken words of love, such as, “Your eyes are beautiful, or your hair feels soft.” Love is the spoken words of truth.

Loving to me means there is never a time to fear someone we love. In other words, when someone speaks their feelings and emotions in earnestness, they need not receive judgment, but the love of someone to make space and listen, and the listener to give suggestions only when asked, and not to demand anything from the person speaking.

Love is being able to feel the energy that is validating that one is loved. There is no coercing or oppressive behavior instilled onto another. When I think of a loving parent, this is something that I offer to myself—especially in times of loneliness and sadness. A gentle touch of love goes a long way to brighten the spirit.