Today, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claims that the vaccine is a critical tool to help halt the pandemic, and thus far, there are     31,444,706 cases in the United States with 209,406,814 vaccines administered, and the total deaths are 563,980.

As a person who learns about my co-dependent ways, I realize that I have an overdeveloped sense that I am responsible for those close to me should be vaccinated. I quickly learned that not all people are on board to get the vaccination, and rightly so, it should be their choice.

So my mind wanders to another way of thinking, and although I will claim it’s my way of manipulation (I learned that very young in life), there is possibly another method to lure people into seeing why they need the vaccine.

Hear me out. I used to be a big pot smoker and did my fair share of street drugs. Many of those drugs were laced with another form of filler to increase the amount or dosage used. For instance, marijuana gets cut with THC, known as tetrahydrocannabinol—it’s what creates the high sensation.  Not once do I recall ever questioning what the cut was, but I usually could tell if it was a bad batch or a fire batch. Not once did I take into consideration that the person(s) responsible for the cut was doing so without any thought of the end user dying. Otherwise, they would use nothing but the good stuff all the time. Not once did I consider my life until I was ready to quit. Yet, here with the CDC showing statics people question the legitimacy.

With that said, I have heard the word on the street is that the vaccine is utilizing people as guinea pigs—claiming that people of color get injected with a different vaccine than those that are whites.

Another thing discussed is that Johnson and Johnson have halted their vaccine because six people out of 6,000 got the virus after vaccination of 66,000,000 people, which is an average of 0.0000909091 percent. That’s a 99.9% success rate when they only claimed an 85-90% success rate.

Further, back to my thought of another way of thinking, if I and anyone else who would risk smoking marijuana not knowing the lace is the vaccine, will they still smoke? Will they smoke knowing the vaccine injected in their stash?

The contemplation of the idea is mind-blowing but could save millions of lives, including some that I know so dear to my heart—this might be worth a survey.