My awareness of being is where I choose to devote my time, dropping all auditions and rehearsal shows, just allowing my authentic self to unfold

Life has moments like a tidewater rubber float releasing its air after recognizing that it has taken on more than its share. I know this because the tightness continues that can cause a collapse unless I remove some of the pressure acknowledging that I not only hear the sizzling, but I feel the sinking

My alignment from years ago with various teachings that claimed I must obey that which is my elder, superior per se. I became so circumfluent aware that I am that elder that could no more abide by that which was not my reality, no fear, because I hold the passe-partout

I love this discovery like a resilient peel at a time. Not sure if I can handle what I find. Yet, I use the adversity years of squandering wandering around hoping that I will find a niche that is strictly mine

There is no need to search any further what I have been awaiting has been there from conception. All I have to do is have a mustard seed of faith that wherever I go, I am there waiting

I love the life I am uncovering, knowing that at any given moment,  I can change; that is being authentic