For way too long, isolation robbed me from true identity. I get to orient myself to reality, no longer living in denial, not knowing that I was lying to myself. I no longer have to plead with others for love, friendship, and acceptance. The idea that I have a mirror reflecting what is here and now I get to create a path that brings me comfort, joy, and love for authentic living.

Often, memories will surface, challenging me to look away and deny myself, threatening that age is against me and that I am too old to worry about the past. Yet, I know the dark side of self is a lie, a fake, which wants to keep me in bondage from my true identity.

The complete picture frame shattered, and the more I face myself, the more I can mend with gentleness, kindness, grace, and love for myself. I don’t have to harm myself or others because of my fear of abandonment. I welcome the smell of cinnamon, the gentle touch to the face, and the ability to see myself in reality—what a blessing to be present.