Oh, so many years, I avoided history, and now I cannot stop the infiltration of the mind craving those things long ago that meant nothing because it’s nothing until it means something.

Here is a pondering thought. Ignorance can be bliss until it isn’t any longer.

I felt like dancing because it’s music to my ears during today’s reading, especially with the stanza part. I love to waltz to the first three steps while rhyming in my ears, steps 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, and so forth.

I can recall when I would smash a thought from my mind not to think about my actions’ consequences. In other words, out of sight, out of mind. That can only last for so long, especially when the time comes that I can understand my irresponsible actions are the result of my dis-ease.

Similarly, when presented with the history of alcoholism and drug addiction, and addiction period, I can identify. For some reason, my mind wants to tell me that I am craftier than the average person, so why not find a concoction that will work for my benefit.

I can laugh because I know how many times those gnawing thoughts failed me. Still, I am a determined individual that will keep on going at a faster rate of speed to solve my common riddle of the disease of alcoholism. I finally have the wisdom to know the difference. It is my will or my higher power’s will. I have the choice daily to decide.

On my morning walk, I meditated on the thought of my higher power. How it has formed from something scary to something inviting, a part of a galaxy that has the beam of the sun and the brightness of the night moon and stars, pulling me into a trajectory of life. Wow. I cry, thinking of this image that burns sweetly in my soul, luring me further into a web that I hope never to dismantle.

It’s my commitment to live life without drugs and alcohol—because so long ago, I didn’t have a solution, but today I do—and how beautiful it is to know and accept daily challenges with the same answer to my alcoholism.

Peace and love. Feel free to share and invite others. To unsubscribe, say so. The reading is attached.

Author, Lynda M.